Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All Things Creepy and Crawling....(A tad racy, so be forewarned)

Why is it the moment you want to be alone with your husband, a magical buzzer goes off for your children?  While there have been times in the past that I was doing a river dance when that happened, it's getting old now, real old.  I mean, I get to make him work for it now.  Mama gets a massage, hair brushed, my feet rubbed etc.( and the etc. is always so much fun ;) and the little rats are making London's Bridge fall down.  Now it's, hurry before they start knocking!  Don't worry about taking your shirt off, is that the nursing bra????  Snap, Snap.  You can forget about any kissing.  Evalee once told us, " I know what you guys are doing in there with the door locked, KISSING."  Brandon responds with a suave, "Honey, we don't have time for that." Seriously?!

WHERE DID THE ROMANCE GO?!  The minute Mommy and Daddy time is over it's back to Where's my pants?  Evalee has locked Graham out of the house, AGAIN!  Isaac stop looking at me like that you little *&^% block. (Because we all know how it is when you are nursing a baby.  I may as well have bought a saddle.)  Or my personal favorite of jumping in the shower to finish getting ready for the day.  I'm thinking, "Yes! Here comes my back washing and scalp massage."  Instead I get the good old farts that sound like a duck has taken up residence in our bathroom.  Don't get me wrong.  We still have that spark, but sometimes I want the fireworks stand like the good old days.  Just 30 minutes of children who want to pretend to be mimes.  Is that asking too much?  Or just long enough for us to be Brandon and Rachel and not Mom and Dad. 

I guess this is payback for all the times I woke a sleeping baby to get out of sex.  So, to those of you without children or have only one, enjoy these times.  Have naked Thursdays and let it all hang out, because like Gloria Estefan says, "One day the rhythm is going to get you.....pregnant.....again."


  1. lol, too funny! love your blog :)

  2. Totally agree with the saddle comment

  3. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are great! Love you!

  4. I chose you for a Versatile Blog Award, come by my site and pick it up :)

